
Marisol Jimenez


Describe your favorite animal. Describe your favorite color. A brief theory in psychology. . . Your description of your favorite animal is how you indirectly see yourself. Your description of your favorite color is how other people indirectly see you. You might be more beautiful than you thought you were, or maybe you did not know you had an ugly side. And you may be more loved than you imagined.


“I am Marisol Jimenez. My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite colors are black and white. I am ten years old, and I live in Philly My favorite food is steak (medium rare). My best friend is Madison. My self portrait tells about me because I love horses, and in the picture I am a horse. I painted my favorite horse next to me! I painted this because I have a mass love and passion for horses.”


Please view my sketchbook. This is where I captured my thoughts and expressed my rough concepts. I hope you enjoy having the opportunity to share all the various ideas and personal experiences which helped me to create my masterpiece. You will be happy you did it, for it’s a fascinating experience to look back on my monument of thoughts.